BioINSouth has kicked-off!

We are excited to say that BioINSouth project, started June 1st 2024 has held its kick-off meeting in Naples on the 17-18th of June, hosted by the University of Naples Federico II at the Federico II Congress Centre. The kick-off meeting was an opportunity for the consortium members to get to know each other and lay the foundations for a successful start of the project. The consortium consists of 15 partners from 9 countries: Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Greece, Slovenia, Cyprus, Czech Republic and Turkey. PNO Innovation Greece is excited to participate in BioINSouth by leading the dissemination & communication activities, the exploitation and replication strategy and the stakeholders’ analysis, with the valuable aid of its dedicated consultants.

BioINSouth “Supporting Regional Environmental Sustainability Assessment for the BioBased Sectors to Improve Innovation, Industries, and Inclusivity in SOUTH Europe” is funded under the Horizon framework and the CBE JU initiative of the Biobased Industries Consortium, is coordinated by SPRING Cluster and aims to develop guidelines and digital tools to support the adoption of innovative methodologies in the assessment of environmental impacts in multiple bio-based industrial systems. The BioINSouth methodology will help increase regional competitiveness and innovation capacity, while fostering the fair and green transition of the EU.

BioINSouth will focus on the European regions of the Southern Mediterranean, with particular attention to areas currently lagging behind. During the 36 months of the project, an engagement strategy of establishing Multi-Actor Regional Groups (MARGs) from the Quadruple Helix (QH), will result in the creation of eight regional HUBs in respective South Mediterranean regions. The HUBs will be able to apply and implement the BioINSouth Toolkit for environmental assessment of bio-based processes and provide guidance on policy recommendations.

BioINSouthproject aspires to mobilise the bio-based sector of the Mediterranean South and support regional environmental sustainability, industry, innovation and inclusivity. Join us!


Press release: