In BioINSouth consortium, the Czech Republic participates with BIOEAST HUB CZ, the first fully operational bioeconomy hub in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), and one of the most important regional initiatives in Europe. It was established with support from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and the BIOEAST Governance Paper. BIOEAST HUB CR actively engages stakeholders, fosters strategic research, and serves as a critical driver of bioeconomy development. With its advanced level of maturity, BIOEAST HUB CZ is well-positioned to act as a model for the establishment of BioINSouth Regional HUBs, setting a benchmark for similar initiatives across the region.
The Czech Republic has not yet adopted a dedicated bioeconomy strategy, but it places strong emphasis on advancing bioeconomy, supported by the BIOEAST Initiative. The National Concept Paper for a Bioeconomy Strategy, developed with support from the BIOEASTsUP project, provides a solid foundation; the Action Plan is currently being developed under the Boost4BIOEAST project. Additionally, the Czech government has approved a Strategic Framework for Circular Economy, which further integrates bioeconomy principle, that supports the transition of the national economy toward greater valorisation of biomass as a renewable resource, promoting sustainable development.